60. Enforced rest

Every runner will suffer an injury that requires rest for recovery and there is nothing so frustrating. Along with the guilty feeling that they are being lazy there is the sense of missing out on training runs and races.

I feel I am on the cusp of recovery at the moment, not quite able to walk any distance without the crutches although every day I wake up and wonder if today will be the day. While limping on my right leg I find myself putting strain on my back on the opposite side. Some mornings I feel I’ve recovered but the pain comes back by mid morning. I am gradually improving on my morning exercises, which I must admit to having paid lip service to up until now. I am picking up the routine that I was given by UCLH and, now that I can manage a passable squat, I can manage 90% of their programme, but the back pain this last week has mostly forced me to rest.

There is little to report on the maintenance treatment front for the Myeloma. I continue to take the Lenalidomide and I’ve not noticed any side effects. Long may that last.

In the last day I have been agile enough to carry a camera and take pictures outside, kneeling down to capture the spring flowers, although they seem to have mixed themselves up.

A spring bouquet.

I still haven’t driven the car, but I hope to be given the all clear in the coming week and to return to the road. That will give me a sense of independence that I haven’t known for ages.


Sue and I joined the walking group from the running club when they went to a local pub to celebrate the wedding of one of the members (congratulations Karen!) and we met lots of old friends for the first time in ages.

We had a discussion about goal setting with a friend who broke his hip last summer. My plan to cycle from London to Paris with the Myeloma UK sponsored event, we agreed, was a bit too ambitious at the moment. Just climbing onto a static bike might be a better place to start. I’m just waiting until my knee bends far enough to try that.


We celebrated our anniversary on Saturday with lunch at the very windy Perch on Lancing Beach. A nice meal but make sure you book a table (as I did) on the weekend.

The Brighton Marathon took place on Sunday and I was sad not to be able to take part as a volunteer or even a spectator. Still, there’s always next year and there are lots of races that need helpers before then.

At least I finished my latest Ken Follett (The Evening and The Morning) and now I have a couple of CJ Sansom’s Tudor mysteries to read.

So all in all, the week has left me feeling lethargic, but this is no time to start feeling sorry for myself. In the coming week I have something exciting to look forward to each day. It feels a bit like going back to school after the Easter holidays. I should have more to tell you about next week.

Thanks for reading and take care.

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