My Story

We have been lucky to live by the South Downs since the 1980s and I know no better way to set myself up for the day than to run over the hills as the sun is coming up.

In April 2022 I retired from work at the age of 63 and looked forward to an active future of running, cycling, travel and photography.

The first two months went well, cycling to Jersey in May then taking part in a triathlon in June, but by July I had pulled a muscle around my hips. It wouldn’t recover and other muscles went out in sympathy. I was soon limping on both legs.

From running I knew the answer would be some physio to get the muscles to release but after six months I was getting worse and could hardly move.

In January 2023 I went to my GP and was soon diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, a type of cancer that affects the bones and the immune system.

With the help and support of my lovely wife, Sue, my family and friends, I am starting the battle. This blog is to keep you informed of progress, plus to give myself a project. Hopefully some other myeloma warriors might find something useful here as I share what I find out.

I have run 13 marathons in the past and when the treatment plan turned out to be about 26 weeks long *, the analogy seemed too good to miss. I fully expect to lose my way and have to do some extra miles, then when I have finished this one I’ll need to do another when the remission wears off but I’ll try to make the best of the journey.

* Corrections: that should be 15 marathons, and the treatment actually took way more than 26 weeks.